New FTC Rule Banning Most Non-Competes in the U.S. as of September 2024
On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) announced its Final Non-Compete Clause...
USCIS Unveils Changes: Filing Fees Rise, Processing Times Slow
Premium Processing: Race Against the Clock USCIS introduced changes to premium processing. The...
Assisting SMØR With Their Second NYC Location
Following the success of their first restaurant in the East Village (441 E 12th St) and bakery...
Martin Dahlgaard Admitted to the Washington, DC, Bar as Attorney at Law
Det er med glæde at vi kan meddele, at Martin Dahlgaard den 8. oktober 2023 blev admitteret som...
Besøg fra Det Blå Gymnasium i NYC
Den 22. september, 2023, besøgte en handelsgymnasieklasse fra Det Blå Gymnasium USA Denmark Law i...
UNGA & Climate Week 2023 – USA DENMARK LAW
USA DENMARK LAW participated in the high-level discussions on climate change and sustainability...
Valeur-Jensen Stamford Denmark Race 2023
Den 9. september 2023 deltog USA DENMARK LAW i det årlige kick-off af 58. Valeur-Jensen Stamford...
Green Tech og Energy Trading
I august 2023 besøgte USA DENMARK LAW forskellige kunder inden for Green Tech og Energy Trading i...
Back to Business Event with AmCham in Partnership with the US Embassy in Denmark
On August 18, 2023, USA Denmark Law participated in the Back to Business Event hosted by AmCham in...
USA Denmark Law Presented at the Dansk Erhverv Network Meeting for Startups Scaling to the US at an Event Held at Børsen in Copenhagen
On June 12, 2023, USA Denmark Law presented at the Dansk Erhverv seminar at Børsen in Copenhagen...
USA Denmark Law Participated in the US E-Exports Event with the Consulate General of Denmark in Kødbyen, Copenhagen
Danish E-commerce Business Event On May 23, 2023, USA Denmark Law was presenting on the legal...
USA Denmark Law Is Moving to New Offices in Copenhagen and in New York
Copenhagen We are excited to announce that on March 1, 2023, we will be moving into our new...
USA Denmark Law attends the SAS Reception for its new route to JFK
USA Denmark Law attended the SAS event in New York City on February 10, 2023, as SAS has just...