Martin Dahlgaard

Attorney at Law (New York & Washington, DC) / Advokat (Denmark)
US: 917-719-1088 – DK: 70 71 68 17

Martin Dahlgaard is a founder and owner of USA DENMARK LAW and is an experienced and multi-disciplined attorney. He provides legal advice on all aspects of U.S. and Danish commercial law and cross-border transactions. He has assisted a wide range of Danish businesses doing business in the United States and on all aspects of U.S. and Danish commercial law. Martin has a significant experience in assisting Danish businesses establishing a presence in the United States and entering the U.S. market.

Martin’s work focuses on both U.S. and Danish commercial contracts, corporate setup and structures, venture capital and financing, M&A, tax preparation and filing, IT and software agreements, employment law, trademarks and business visas.

Before founding USA DENMARK LAW, Martin worked with a Danish law firm in Copenhagen, Denmark, and later as an attorney with a law firm in the United States. Through his positions in the United States and Denmark, Martin has achieved a solid experience in cross-border and cross-cultural U.S. and Danish legal matters.

Martin has a law degree from New York University School of Law and from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Martin is admitted as an attorney in Denmark, New York and Washington, D.C.


  • Denmark (Advokat)
  • New York (Attorney at Law)
  • Washington, DC (Attorney at Law)
  • United States Supreme Court


  • New York University School of Law
    Master of Laws (LL.M.)
  • University of Copenhagen
    Master of Laws (cand.jur.)
  • University of Copenhagen
    Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)


  • Om børsnotering af et Special-Purpose Acquisition Company på NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S, Justitia, No. 4/2012 / Listing a Special-Purpose Acquisition Company on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S, Justitia, No. 4/2012
  • Kapitalmarkedsretlige problemstillinger vedrørende hedgefonde, Erhvervsjuridisk Tidsskrift (2009), pp. 347-358
  • Nyt forbud mod short selling af danske finansaktier, Finans/Invest (2008), No. 8
  • Danish Prospectus Regulations: Application to a Subsequent Resale of Shares, Securities Law Newsletter, International Bar Association (2008), October
  • Om tilbudsgivers pligter ved offentliggørelse af købstilbud og tilbudsannonce, Finans/Invest (2008), No. 7